Thursday, February 10, 2011

I found this cracker very similar to our traditional dried bread ( Nan khoshkeh).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thommy- Mayonaase

Oh my god everything is sweet here. It is a big myth that you will find it one day.
For example one day you decide to make some salad olovieh it is easy and kids love it also you can keep it in refrigerator for a while. Then you plan for your shopping and you will buy sweet Mayonnaise (the first one that you see)+cucumber pickled + chicken and eggs.
There are my main ingredients for this salad. See it is easy.
But the result of your endeavor for preparing this salad may be something like a big bowl of white jam. That is terrible. For avoiding this mess you have to choose everything with a little obsession. Don't hesitate to read information on each lable befor buying.
The best Mayonnaise that I’ve found until now is Thomy. There are two different type of it that you can find it in two sizes, another important thing is that there must be written Delicatess on the label. The other type is Holeegg and it smells like egg.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The First Post

I've built this weblog to share my information about my shopping experiences in Australia. Every time that I go for shopping I see new products and brands. Sometimes trying new things looks a little bit scary. I'll write my experince about what I've tried. I think it could help others to save time and money. However I appreciate to know about your shopping idea as well.